<p>DESCRIPTION:</p><p>NAME: Dwarf Impatiens</p><p>OTHER COMMON NAMES: Baby Impatiens / Impatiens / Busy Lizzy / Balsam / Garden Balsam / Sultana</p><p>SCIENTIFIC NAME: Impatiens Walleriana syn. Impatiens Sultanii</p><p>COLOR: Mixed Colors - Red, White, Pink, Carmine, Scarlet, & Orange</p><p>PLANT SEEDS: Outdoors after frost / Indoors weeks before last frost</p><p>PLANT HEIGHT: 6 - 10"</p><p>PLANT SPACING: 8 - 12"</p><p>BLOOM TIME: Late Spring - Fall</p><p>HARDINESS ZONE: Annual (but they reseed easily, so they act like a perennial in all zones)</p><p>LIGHT REQUIREMENTS: Sun - Full Shade</p><p>SOIL & WATER PREFERENCES: Average</p><p>QUANTITY: 50 Seeds</p><p>OTHER: Impatiens have consistently been one of the most popular annual bedding plants for good reason! They are easy to start from seed & can be grown just about anywhere, able to thrive in sun or full shade. Nothing else can bring as much color to a shade garden as Impatiens do with their long bloom time & massive amounts of large colorful flowers. This dwarf variety really maximizes all of their great features with neat, compact, uniform plants making them perfect for borders, bedding, window boxes, & hanging baskets.</p><p><br></p><p>We have several other individual colors of Dwarf Impatiens seeds available as well as Mixed Colors Dwarf & several other types of Impatiens seeds too!</p><p><br></p><p><span><span><span><strong><span><span><span><strong>* FREE SHIPPING ON ALL ADDITIONAL SEEDS!</strong></span><strong><br><br></strong><span><span><strong>PAY ONE FLAT SHIPPING FEE PER ORDER NO MATTER HOW MANY PACKS OF SEEDS YOU SELECT! </strong></span></span><strong><br></strong><strong><br></strong><span><strong>WE HAVE OVER 2,000 TYPES OF FLOWER, VINE, TREE, SHRUB, HERB, FRUIT, & VEGETABLE SEEDS TO CHOOSE FROM!!!</strong></span></span></span></strong></span><strong><br><br></strong></span></span></p><p><br></p><p>Photo Credit: 11 By 4028mdk09 - Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0, httpscommons.wikimedia.orgwindex.phpcurid=11065666 cropped</p>
Save on 50 MIXED COLORS Dwarf IMPATIENS Walleriana Sun or Full Shade Red, White, Pink, Carmine, Scarlet, & Orange Flower Seeds with a Walmart discount code