Description:<br>The weather station uses the ESP8266-12E to obtain data from the Internet: time of a city, weather data and forecast information for the next 3 days, scrolling on the SSD1306 OLED Display;<br>The device can switch to display data from any city in the world - maybe your relatives or friends live there.<br>The device uses sensors DHT11, BMP180, BH1750FVI to collect temperature, humidity, Atmosphetic Pressure and light data. <br>The weather station reads data indoor via sensor every 5 seconds and uploads it to the Internet every 60 seconds.<br>You can see real-time data charts from your phone or computer.Of course you can modify the code to implement different functions.<br><br>Package includes:<br>1* ESP8266-12E <br>1* DHT11<br>1* BMP180<br>1* BH1750FVI<br>1* OLED Display<br>1* USB cable<br>2* Breadboard<br>20* For Dupont cable
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