Experience India's revered Indian gooseberry with VAHDAM Authentic Amla Powder. Known as 'amla' in Sanskrit for its tangy and sour flavor, this versatile powder is a staple in cooking, juices, and holistic hair care routines. Packed with natural goodness, it offers a unique blend of tartness, bitterness, and astringency. Directly sourced from Rajasthan, India, our powder is USDA Organic and NON-GMO Certified, ensuring it is free from chemicals and additives, ensuring freshness and purity in every batch. Free from chemicals, preservatives, or artificial coloring, this amla powder exemplifies VAHDAM's commitment to quality. Ethically sourced through fair-trade practices, VAHDAM supports social initiatives like TEAch Me, where 1% of revenue is dedicated to education. As a carbon-neutral and plastic-neutral brand disrupting the traditional tea supply chain, VAHDAM procures ingredients directly at the source and packages them freshly for global delivery to over 130 countries.
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