: Manufacturer, : /*, : * Fix for UDP-1061. Average customer reviews has a small extra line on hover, : * https, : */, : .noUnderline a, : text-decoration, : }, : .cm-cr-review-stars-spacing-big {, : margin-top, : }, : , : , : , : 4.3, : 4,891 ratings, : , : var dpAcrHasRegisteredArcLinkClickAction;, : P.when('A', 'ready').execute(function(A) {, : if (dpAcrHasRegisteredArcLinkClickAction !== true) {, : dpAcrHasRegisteredArcLinkClickAction = true;, : A.declarative(, : 'acrLink-click-metrics', 'click',, : { "allowLinkDefault", : function (event) {, : if (window.ue) {, : ue.count("acrLinkClickCount", (ue.count("acrLinkClickCount") || 0) + 1);, : }, : }, : );, : }, : });, : , : , : P.when('A', 'cf').execute(function(A) {, : A.declarative('acrStarsLink-click-metrics', 'click', { "allowLinkDefault", : if(window.ue) {, : ue.count("acrStarsLinkWithPopoverClickCount", (ue.count("acrStarsLinkWithPopoverClickCount") || 0) + 1);, : }, : });, : });, : , : , : 4.3 out of 5 stars
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