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Includes icons for the following apps:
Acorns, Acrobat, Afterpay, Ahrefs, Airbnb, Alexa, Aliexpress, Allstate, Amazon, Amazon Muzic, American Express, Among US, Apple Pay, Apple TV, Apple Watch, Appstore, Asana, Asana2, Ato, Audible, Balance, Barclays, Behance, Bills, Bing, Bloomberg, Bloomberg2, BOA, Boohoo, Booking, Books, Books2, Brother, Burger King, Buzz Feed, Buzzsumo, Calculator, Calculator2, Calendar, Canva, Capital One, Chase, Clock, Coffee, Coinbase, Contacts, Dark Sky, Darren & Phillip, Dash, Discord, Discover, Disney, Disney2, Doordash, Drive, Dropbox, Ebay, Ethereum, Etsy, Evernote, Expedia, Facebook, Facetime, Facetime2, Finance, Find My, Fire Fox, Fitness, Fitness2, Fly Buys, Google Chrome, Google, Google Classroom, Google Doc, Google Home, Google Keep, Google Photo, HBO, Health, Health2, Hello Fresh, Home, Home Away, Hulu, Hunter, IGTV, iMovie, Instagram, iTunes, Just Eat, Kayak, KFC, Kickstarter, Kira Kira, Klarna, Kraken, Lastminute, Lastpass, Linkedin, Livestream, Lyft, Mail, Map, Mcdonalds, Medium, Messages, Messages2, Messages3, Messenger, Monopoly, Moonpig, Music, Netflix, News, Nord VPN, Nord VPN2, Notes, Oak, Open Table, Opera, Organizer, Organizer2, Outlook, Owl, Pandora, Pass, PayPal, PDF, Phone, Phone2, Photo, Photoshop, Phototransfer, Pinterest, Podcasts, Postmates, Power Point, Puzzle, QR, RAA, Realtor, Reddit, Reminders, Reminders2, Roku, Safari, School, Security, Sephora, Settings, Shazam, Shein, Shopping, Shortcuts, Skype, Slack, Slimming World, Smiling Mind, Snapchat, Snapseed, Sound Cloud, Spotify, Star, Starbucks, Stocard, Strava, Stream, Subway, Swiggy, Telegram, Tik Tok, Tinder, Transit, Translator,
Translator2, Tumblr, Twitch, Twitter, Uber, Uber Eats, USAA, Venmo, Viber, Video, Visa, Voice, Vrbo, VSCO, Vudu, Wallet, Walmart, Waze, Weather, Weight, Wells Cargo, Whats App, Whole Foods, Widgetsmith, Wish, Xapo, Yahoo, Yandex, Yelp, Yes, Youtube, Zara, Zelle, Zillow, Zoom
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