This is a great card to have on your body at all times. You never know what can happen. It's also a great tool to help others believe you might need a little more assistance as Cystic Fibrosis is hard to see for some.
Funds from this card help raise awareness for our CureUp Health Communities. We are a series of health networks that aim to provide a safe place for those with conditions to be able to talk with others, get advice, and share their stories. We work with various nonprofits/organizations to give back to the community; giving these nonprofits cards to give out at events, through mailers, and other means. With your continued support, we are able to give back a portion of all sales by supplying these nonprofits/organizations with cards for free.
If you're interested in a Cystic Fibrosis Research study, click this link:
Check out our other listings for Cystic Fibrosis Warrior Shirts, Pins, and Buttons!
P.S. If you're a company and would like to get your logo on the card, please message us!
Orders that contain only assistance cards, magnets, or patches ship with a standard envelope and stamps. If it is a domestic order in the U.S. you can upgrade your shipping in the checkout process to a bubble mailer with tracking (and faster transit times). Look for the shipping upgrade option in the "Review" section of the checkout process.
Save on Cystic Fibrosis Card, Cystic Fibrosis Emergency Card, Cystic Fibrosis Medical Card, Cystic Fibrosis Alert Card with a Etsy discount code