This listing is for the accessories only and does not include any handbags. Any handbag shown is for display purposes only to show how they would look on the items they were intended for.
Luxury gold or silver chain strap designed in the popular and classic rolo style. The round links gleam brightly in the light. This chain’s elegant and sturdy design lets it shine over your shoulder and, due to its classic yet modern look, matches perfectly with any color handbag.
This chain dons a resplendent gold or silver finish that, along with its solid structure, communicates elegance and luxury. The chainlinks rustle softly when moved. This quality chain is made from authentic zinc alloy, which separates us from other retailers whose handbag accessories are made from aluminum or plastic.
This strap is 22 inches long.
If you have any questions, please message me directly in your etsy message center and I will be glad to help you!
Thank you so much!
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