Rare Tradescantia Nanouk Lilac Plant in a nursery pot. This plant has a beautiful pink and green variation.
What you get:
A similar plant as the images as per the selection you make in the variations in a Nursery pot or a Ceramic pot as per your selection.
Tips and information:
>Hardy plant that needs little care and grows very well both outdoors and indoors in shaded filtered light.
>Tradescantia grows very well indoors and have an elegant pink and purple shade that stands out among other plants.
>This plant needs basic posting soil and does well in a ceramic or terracotta pot with drainage hole.
>Check the soil every 3 to 5 days to see if its wet or dry and water only if the soil is dry.
Keep the plant in bright indirect sunlight, this plant grows very well near a window as long as it doesn’t get very harsh sun.
Water the plant every 5 days in summer and every 7 days in winter
CARE on Receiving the Plant:
•Once you receive the plant, do not re-pot it for at least 15 days as the plant needs time to recover from the traveling stress
•Water very little for the first 15 days, the best would be to water only after the soil dries out, overwatering can cause rot to the roots
•Give the plant a bright sunny indirect spot so that it gets good amount of indirect light and heat.
Feel free to message me for any further questions.
Heat Pack: https://www.etsy.com/listing/1601868143/winter-protection-heat-pack-for-plants?click_key=6aabbe3cff485ddb31a4cf3347f2f183e6a50ba4%3A1601868143&click_sum=896b3ff5&ga_search_query=heat%2Bpack&ref=shop_items_search_1&pro=1&frs=1
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