Download, edit and print!
Includes (2) 8.5" x 11" format PDF + instructions on how to edit and links to fonts.
You will have the ability to edit the chores but not the titles of these printables. "Weekly Chores" is not editable.
- After purchasing this listing, download your file (cannot be downloaded from mobile).
Having trouble finding the file?
Go to purchases, then click on download files.
- Edit the files using the free version of Adobe Acrobat Reader.
- To edit, highlight the text and click ctrl + e or cmd +e.
- Print from home. All printers are different - get to know yours! Or have printed at local print shop.
- These files will NOT work on a mobile device or tablet. A desktop or laptop must be used.
- You can't change the text location, graphics/clipart, etc.
**Reuse over and over by laminating and using a dry erase marker. Or change whenever you want and print out again!
All of these files filled in + each file in an editable, blank document to add your own words.
Font links included with file (all fonts are downloadable for free).
Note: This is a digital download, you will not receive a physical product. This meant to be printed at home or a local office supply store.
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