Sold in 2”, 4”, 6” Growers pots
There are over 200 species of Hoyas, each of which has unique colors and shapes. This beauty is seen not only in the blooms but in the foliage as well. Hoyas are popular house plants that often bloom in the first year, but if they are indoor plants, there is a possibility that the process could take longer. Let’s explore some of the specific needs of Hoya plants; starting at the roots of the plant and the type of soil that is needed to help them grow.
Soil Requirements – A Hoya plant needs soil that is rich, aerated, and drains well. Personally, I create an organic soil mix that really helps my Hoyas prosper and grow. It is made from organic potting soil, compost, worm casings, and fine fir bark. If you have your Hoyas planted in a pot, they like being in close quarters, so transplanting the Hoya into a larger planter may do more harm than good.
Fertilizer – Like most of the plants that we have in our homes, the Hoya likes to be fed with fertilizer. Use liquid fertilizer to feed your Hoyas about once a month during the growing season. Once cold weather comes along, make sure to cut back on the fertilizer. In fact, these plants should not be fed during the winter months because they enter a semi-dormant state.
Water – During the spring and summer, these plants crave water, and they need quite a bit of it to remain hydrated. Water the plant thoroughly, and as long as the pot that it is planted in is a container that drains well, then you shouldn’t need to water it again for about two weeks. Test the top of the soil, if it is dry, the Hoyas need watered again. It the soil is still moist, then you can wait a bit longer to give the plant more water. During the winter months you can cut back on watering the plant. Since it is in a semi-dormant state, the Hoyas can most likely be watered once a month.
Light Requirements – Sunlight is important for a Hoya plant, but indirect sunlight is best. Having the plant hanging directly in your window will cause the leaves to burn from the direct heat of the sun. A north-facing window provides the perfect light for a Hoya plant, but if you do not have that lighting option available, fluorescent lighting will do the job as well. They prefer morning sun, but if the light is not sufficient, the plant may not bloom.
Temperature – These beautiful flowers are tropical plants, so you do not want to keep them in extremely cool temperatures. Try to maintain the room where you have your plants located at a temperature of at least 50 degrees Fahrenheit.
Pruning – These long lush plants do not need to be pruned, unless of course they are becoming unruly. I find that the only pruning that is required on a Hoya plant is cutting off dead growth and controlling the size of the plant. If the plant is becoming too long, cut it back and propagate the cutting to give to a friend.
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