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The size of the embroidery name will vary based on the number of letters it contains. Generally, a shorter name will result in a larger embroidered name. The embroidery area available for the design is 18x13cm (7x5 inches). To make the most of this area, if you have two or three names, they can be divided into two lines. However, if you prefer to keep the name in one line, please let me know.
The 100% cotton knitted baby blanket is soft and breathable, and it can be personalized with a name embroidered in a high-quality thread in your choice of color. The personalized element gives the baby blanket many personalities. making them the ideal one-of-a-kind gift for babies and toddlers. It's also suitable for use in the nursery, on a receiving blanket, in a car seat, or in a stroller.
Materials: Cotton
Size: 80x100cm (30x40 Inches)
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