B L A C K ∙ W O M A N ∙ S E L F ∙ C A R E ∙ W O R K B O O K
This workbook will help you to:
∙ stop comparison and apologizing,
∙ challenge limiting beliefs,
∙ practice saying yes to yourself,
∙ develop a self care practice,
∙ define you support system,
∙ check in with yourself,
∙ build new habits around self care.
∙ 49 page PDF file, 8 x 11".
∙ Use code THIRTY at checkout when purchasing three items from our store for 30% off!
C O N T E N T S ∙ I N C L U D E
Things I'm no longer apologizing for
My self care routine
Vision board
People that inspire me
My personal space bubble
Setting boundaries
Saying yes to myself
Limiting beliefs
Stop comparison
Daily check in
My beautiful self
Today's mood
My support system
Black woman permission slip
Things to tell myself
Things that i can do for myself
Social media analysis
Self care challenge
Inspiration lists
Black owned businesses
Habit tracker
Love letter to myself
D I G I T A L ∙ D O W N L O A D
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∙ The file will become available through etsy once the order is placed. You will receive an email from Etsy upon ordering with a link to download. Also, under "Purchases & Reviews" in your Etsy account.
∙ Print and use as many times as you wish!
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T E R M S ∙ O F ∙ U S E
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Save on Black Woman Self Care Workbook, Self Love for Black Women, Mental Health, Empowerment, Therapy Worksheet, Self Love Journal, Printable with a Etsy promo code