Make your favorite phallus a work of art with the Kast-a-Kock kit! You can also create a dildo in your likeness with the silicone add on kit!
Most everything you need to create a framed finished work art or dildo is included. Just follow the detailed instructions or watch the instructional video.
Make a mold of your penis hard or soft! It works either way! Don’t get it right the first time? No worries, there are enough materials in the kit for two molds.
Easy to follow step-by-step directions. If you prefer watch the instructional video.
After it dries paint it, or leave the it natural, let your artistic expression show. An example of what can be done is shown in the example photos. All safe materials. Takes about 15 minutes to make the mold. Pour in the powdered casting mix or silicone and let it harden.
The add-on silicone option is more than a pound of soft high grade skin safe platinum silicone! Four color options are available.
Great for couples but you can do this yourself!
Note: This is a Do It Yourself kit. While I have taken great care to provide everything you need to make a great cast with through directions and an instructional video, your results may vary. Refunds are not given for poor results. If you have questions prior to making the cast just message me.
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