The Dracaena Massangeana Cane, or more commonly known as Mass Cane, is a group of sturdy canes with multiple heads of variegated leaves that droop to form an umbrella atop the stems. The Mass Cane, as is also known, is exceptionally easy to grow. Making it 1 of the best houseplant favorites to cultivate. The plant's leaves are its best feature bright green with a yellow stripe. Plus, it tolerates low light and humidity and it does not need or want much watering. The corn plant loves sunlight and watering about once a week. Make sure the soil dry's out before watering again. To beautify your plant use containers with drain holes to drain excess water and keep your plant healthy. Indoor house plants are proven to be excellent air purifiers that removes pollutants and chemicals from the air for healthy living.
Save on United Nursery Dracaena Mass Cane Corn Plant 2 Stem Plant in 9.25 inch Grower Pot 73823 with a Home Depot coupon