Hearts Red Garden Rose Bouquet
Nothing says "I Love You" as much as a bouquet of red roses. But, did you know not every red rose is created equal? Of all the red roses in the world, none are as luxurious as the Hearts Garden Rose. That's right...when you want (or, maybe need) your red roses to seriously impress, our Hearts Red Rose Bouquet is definitely the way to go.
Hearts Garden Roses are coveted by florists and event planners when they need to create a plush event. Their extra large blooms are made up of several layers of fluffy, ruffly, romantic, deep red petals that open over several days to reveal a heart shape center. Nothing, and we mean nothing, says romance and "I Love You" quite like the Hearts Rose. And this bouquet is nothing but hearts, all hearts.
And just like your heart, the Heart Rose takes it's time to open fully. The Hearts bouquet is cut and shipped directly from the farm at the bud stage, allowing your loved one to watch it's beauty unfurl a little more each day. But don't worry, once she is fully bloomed, she still has a lot of life left in her. The Hearts bouquet is not just gorgeous, but she's long lasting (hopefully, like your love). If romance was a flower, Hearts would be it!
And, just like all of our flowers, our Hearts roses are sourced from the highest quality, award winning farms, that use the most advanced Eco-Friendly farming standards AND employ the uppermost Socially Responsible business practices. What does this mean? This bouquet not only looks good, it does good - for you, for your loved one, for the farms that sell it, and the workers that grow the roses in it.
NOTE: All of our bouquets are hand made at the farm using only the freshest, highest quality roses available. It may take a 2 - 3 days for your blooms to open up fully, once they are cut and placed in fresh, clean water.
Because all of our Rose Bouquets come straight from the farm, they Require 7 Days Advance Purchase. Free shipping is included.
Hearts Red Garden Rose Bouquets Include:
Either 12 or 24 Stems of Premium Hearts Red Garden Roses (based on your selection)
Personal Message
Vase Not Included
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