Due to the strong protective, sheilding and stabilizing nature of the elements used to create these Orgone gems, these striking stud earrings are a great everyday field enhancer.
Pigmented to softly glow in the dark, these energetic gems are made through the alchemical blending of Black Tourmaline, Actinolite, Moonstone, Pyrite, Mica, silver leaf dust, brass, aluminum and two 2mm Neodymium magnets set into organic resin.
*Orgone gems measure 8x3mm and stainless steel setting is 10mm in diameter.
**Choice of stainless steel or silicone ear backs (shown in last photo)
***The item in the photos is the one that you will receive.
****Each purchase includes a typed sheet containing all of the information and descriptions listed on the purchased items' page
I intuitively select the elemental alchemy used in the making of my Orgone gems and each creation is a unique and dynamic entity. Every piece is artfully made, finely hand crafted and polished to a smooth, shiny finish.
*EthericShield* Elemental Properties
Black Tourmaline: highly protective and stabilizing, a powerful healer, vitalizes mind & body, enhances confidence, inspiration, concentration, dispels fears and negativity, dissolves internal mental and emotional blockages
Moonstone: uplifting, calming qualities, provides strong psychic protection, deflects negativity, aligns emotional body with higher Self, brings success & contentment, expands inspiration, intuition, serendipity, synchronicity, possibilities, carries new moon energy, stimulates psychic perception, clairvoyance, diffuses energy throughout the aura, carries Goddess energy & connection with nature spirits & galactic consciousness, offers protection for travelers, especially at night,clears the mind and senses, detoxifies, aids in lucid dreaming & peaceful sleep
Actinolite: a shielding crystal, stabilizing, protecting, expands and heals the subtle energy body, removes stress and unwanted negativity, enhances higher awareness, attunes to universal energies and powers, increases self-esteem, aligns with nature, encourages connection with spirit guides, assists in dream recall, connection to ancient wisdom and profound insight, known to heal and balance mind, body and spirit, promotes deep meditation
Pyrite: releases negative patterns, shields against pollutants and negative energies, stone of luck, abundance and manifestation, enhances energy, bolsters confidence and emotional wellbeing, sharpens memory, grounds higher frequencies into physical
Silver: balances energy centers, deflects negative energies, removes negativity, releases emotions, harmonizes inner life rhythms, enhances intuition, visualizing, dreams, peace, sense of community, opens psychic mind, good conductor, directs energy of crystals, detoxifies and cleanses,
Brass: protective, deflects negative energies, attracts money, encourages healing
Aluminum: protective, repels unwanted energies, dispels illusions, calming, heightens mental abilities, enhances alertness, stimulates self discovery, awakening, desire for change and letting go of things
Sacred G “Fusion” is one of the Sacred Geometry technologies used in the curing process. An image of this harmonic and highly evolved sacred Geometry by Corey Herter is located on the "Shop Info" page.
*The iridescent flecks mixed into the orgone matrix add an opalescence and prismatic light spectrum that are both visually and energetically significant (and difficult to capture properly in a photo)
Orgonite accumulates and transmits orgone energy (known also as life force, chi, prana). It neutralizes negative, low vibration energies, transmuting them into positive, life affirming ones. Like crystals, Orgonite can be programmed by the user for specific tasks and utilized for prayer, divination and other metaphysical and healing purposes.
In the 1930's a scientist named Wilhelm Reich created a healing device, which could harness subtle energy, which he named Orgone energy. Reich’s body of work resurfaced in the 1980’s when Don and Carol Croft used Reich's principles to create Orgonite. Through the layering of specific materials that are organic (polyester resin) with those that are inorganic (metals & crystals) a synergistic matrix is formed through elements' combined characteristics and by the energetic interaction between the organic/inorganic materials. In fact, the smaller the pieces of inorganic matter are (the more of their surface area is exposed to the organic resin) the more effective the Orgonite is.
When resin dries, it shrinks, compressing the enclosed crystals and causing them to exhibit a piezoelectric charge, which is what converts negative energy into positive. By combining my Orgonite’s elements with tiny, but powerful neodymium magnets (unique to my Orgone pieces) it greatly magnifies this process and creates a small electro-magnetic current generator- thus producing a powerful, yet compact, technology for promoting and enhancing wellbeing.
I infuse my organic resin with a hand picked blend of essential oils to include the vibration of the botanical kingdom. While it cures, the Orgonite is placed upon a powerful sacred geometry array and each piece is blessed, with loving intent, to be supportive, helpful and of service to the highest and best good. As the resin contracts, these energies become permanently integrated into the Orgonite matrix. Though they are small, these pieces are exceedingly powerful.
Save on 10mm Orgone Stud Earrings *EthericShield* Glow in the Dark Orgone Jewelry- Black Tourmaline, Actinolite, Moonstone, Pyrite, Silver Leaf with a Etsy discount code