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72 Names of God-Mandala-Divine Sacred Kabbalah-Hebrew Torah Letters-Judaism-Jewish Art-Tetragrammaton-Holiness-Spiritual-DOWNLOAD HALELUYA

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Etsy72 Names of God-Mandala-Divine Sacred Kabbalah-Hebrew Torah Letters-Judaism-Jewish Art-Tetragrammaton-Holiness-Spiritual-DOWNLOAD HALELUYA



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► 72 Names of God Wall Art Mandala ► 1 High Quality PDF File ► High-resolution image ( 300dpi ) ► Page Size 8 ½" x 11" A4 ► Transparent background ► Watermark and logo will not appear on your print ► Noneditable file You will receive a clear high-resolution digital image at 300dpi on a transparent background. This printable design is High Quality PDF File. The image will fit on paper size ( 11" x 8½") paper and A4. This listing is an Instant download digital file for you to download, print, and color. ► Intricate and finely detailed Illustration ► High-quality vector artwork ► Encoded with Kabbalah's 72 Names of God and Sacred Geometry ► Divine cosmic proportions ► Soul soothing experience ► Harmonious celestial ratios synergy ► Symmetrical geometric shapes and patterns ► Endless coloring possibilities that flair creativity ► Generates a meditative therapeutic journey ► Balances the flow of the body's energy ► Encompasses spirituality, beauty, and holiness ► Unique original genuine art ► Designed to radiate hope and love into your heart, body, and sacred soul PLEASE NOTE: This is a printable digital image file. No physical product will be shipped to your home. This file is for personal use only. You may not duplicate, forward, share, sell, or distribute this file. It is provided upon purchase for non-commercial use only. This shop and its content is copyright of Zebratoys - ©Zebratoys 2024, HALELUYA: Sacred Soul Art. All rights reserved. ► HALELUYA’s Money Back Guarantee Policy: If for ANY reason this ITEM doesn’t fulfill your expectations, you can get all your MONEY BACK within 7 business days. You’re protected by HALELUYA's 100% money-back guarantee warranty. No questions Asked. I promise you a full refund. Send an E-mail to me at: oritgutmacherlevy [!at] gmail.com to activate this offer!!! Money Back Guarantee is honored within 30 days from your purchase date. The 72 Names of God are a powerful spiritual tool, a Kabbalistic key to an abundance of blessings, good fortune, prosperity, wholeness and providence. In Kabbalah mysticism, the 72 Names of God are sacred and derived from the Bible, where each name is combined of three verses taken from the book of Exodus. According to the Kabbalists, these names are encoded within the verses that describe the miraculous event of the Red Sea's splitting by God for the crossing of Am Yisrael, and are believed to possess powerful spiritual realms, holy significance and cosmic forces. The Names of God are formed by taking the three consecutive verses in Exodus 14:19-21, combining 72 Hebrew acronyms. Each of the 72 Names of God is composed of three Hebrew letters, arranged as different combinations. and considered to be channels of divine energy, embodying specific qualities and attributes of God. The Hebrew alphabet letters hold immense significance in the Kabbalah, with each letter representing elevated divine concepts from upper worlds. Each name of the 72 is associated with specific attributes such as healing, protection, abundance, love, and spiritual enlightenment. By meditating, chanting, visualizing, and praying while using a particular name and its corresponding energy, kabbalists seek to activate these qualities within themselves, in the world around them and the Universe. The 72 names can help the individual to connect with higher dimensions of existence and access elevated states in order to receive guidance from the divine wisdom of God. Kabbala mystics engage in intense meditative practices, visualizations and recitations of these sacred names to attain ecstatic states of consciousness, achieve spiritual ascension and access the divine realms. Traditions also utilize amulets, talismans, and other symbolic representations of the names for protection and blessing. The 72 names enhance the flow of holiness and are well known for their transformative effects and attributes. In Kabbalistic philosophy, the 72 Names of God reflect the interconnectedness of all existence and the underlying unity of creation. The Kabbalah is eminently the most sacred realm of Judaism, denoted by Oneness and the longing to unite with the Holy of Holies. The 72 names serve as sacred conduits of God’s divine energy, sources of mystical wisdom, and tools for spiritual empowerment and transformation that transcend the limitations of the physical realm. The Kabbalah envelopes the soul with a mystic sense of sacredness that glows and ignites divine cosmic dimensions within, and journeys toward oneness with God that enlightens a Heaven and Earth vertical alignment. והו ילי סיט עלם מהש ללה אכא כהת הזי אלד לאו ההע יזל מבה הרי הקם לאו כלי לוו פהל נלך ייי מלה חהו נתה האא ירת שאה ריי אום לכב ושר יחו להח כוק מנד אני חעם רהע ייז ההה מיכ וול ילה סאל ערי עשל מיה והו דני החש עמם ננא נית מבה פוי נמם ייל הרח מצר ומב יהה ענו מחי דמב מנק איע חבו ראה יבמ היי מום יט וַיִּסַּע מַלְאַךְ הָאֱלֹהִים, הַהֹלֵךְ לִפְנֵי מַחֲנֵה יִשְׂרָאֵל, וַיֵּלֶךְ, מֵאַחֲרֵיהֶם; וַיִּסַּע עַמּוּד הֶעָנָן, מִפְּנֵיהֶם, וַיַּעֲמֹד, מֵאַחֲרֵיהֶם כ וַיָּבֹא בֵּין מַחֲנֵה מִצְרַיִם, וּבֵין מַחֲנֵה יִשְׂרָאֵל, וַיְהִי הֶעָנָן וְהַחֹשֶׁךְ, וַיָּאֶר אֶת-הַלָּיְלָה; וְלֹא-קָrרַב זֶה אֶל-זֶה, כָּל-הַלָּיְלָה כא וַיֵּט מֹשֶׁה אֶת-יָדוֹ, עַל-הַיָּם, וַיּוֹלֶךְ יְהוָה אֶת-הַיָּם בְּרוּחַ קָדִים עַזָּה כָּל-הַלַּיְלָה, וַיָּשֶׂם אֶת-הַיָּם לֶחָרָבָה; וַיִּבָּקְעוּ, הַמָּיִם והו “ואתה הוא ושנותיך” Meaning: “And you are him and your years” A look into the past/Correcting the past. Function: Protects from embarrassment, confusion, interrogations, jammed systems and instability. Emphasizes correction of previous errors and a return to control. Indicates remorse. ילי “יחיד לא יתמו” Meaning: “Will not orphan a single one”. Mental reinforcement of the soul. Function: Restoring lost sparks, recharging vital energy, fading, fatigue, helplessness, foresight, mood swings, soulmates. סיט “סגלת ידידך טהר” Meaning: “Purify your friend’s virtue” Miracle maker. Function: Resolving a difficult situation, changing a dismal state, the power to change the interior, an expression of the external and the internal, release from anger and self-pity, rejecting temptations in order to work miracles. עלמ “ענני למען מלכותך” Meaning: “Answer me for the sake of your kingdom”. Eliminates negative energy. Function: Strengthens beneficial thoughts, concentration, serenity, focus. Protects from anxiety, outbursts of anger, over-sensitivity, bad habits, ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder), nervousness, danger, phobia, panic, aggression, acrophobia, rage, anorexia. Indicates suffering, acute apprehension and uncertainty. מהש “מעולם הוא שמך” Meaning: “Forever is your name”. Healing; neutralizes and eliminates all ailments. Function: Mind and body medicine. Protects from chronic fatigue and functional impairments. Protects from physical illness and physical or emotional pain. Encourages cleansing. Heals borderline personality disorder. This name can also be applied to with a request to heal another person. ללה “לך לבדך הגדולה” Meaning: “The greatness is yours alone”. Dreams and messages from the universe. Function: Escape from the shackles of mundane reality. Setting the soul free. Allowing the soul to be directed. A glance at the past and at the future and the ability to see the future. The ability to make the right decisions. The power to change problems and predestined disasters. To dream – to recharge the soul. A deep sleep. אכא “אין כמוך אלוהים” Meaning: “There is none like you God”. Achieving a perfect state at the bottom of the soul. The power and strength of the soul. Function: A spiritual world lacking order. Removing inhibitions. Chaos rules with a smile. Rejuvenation, order, creative power. When you feel that all is lost. Changing lethargy, heaviness, disorder, irritation, inertia, indifference. כהת “כל היום תהלתך” Meaning: “All day long your fame”. The expulsion of negative energies; neutralizing the negativity in our environment. Function: Diffuses negative energy. Neutralizes anger and hatred. Neutralizes pressure and emotional stress. Helps get rid of sadness, depression, hatred, fear and misery. Balances the energy that envelops the body. Encourages peace of mind and tranquility. Balances stress, frustration, aggression, fear, acute apprehension and outbursts of anger. הזי “האל זכרנו יברך” Meaning: “The Lord will bless our memory”. Communication with angels. Function: Divine help. Connection to the unconscious. Achieving spiritual wholeness and connection to the internal. Inertia. Channels positive energy. Balances moods. Removes bad luck. אלד “אנא למדני דתך” Meaning: “Please teach me your religion”. Protection from the evil eye. Function: Guarding and protecting. Protects from the evil eye and from envy. לאו “לדעת אמתך ואמונתך” Meaning: “To know your truth and your faith”. Purging a place from negative energies. Function: Entrance to energy circles (purifying the circle). Purging negative influence. ההע “הנני היום עומד” Meaning: “Here I stand today”. Unconditional love. Arousing love until it is reciprocated. Function: Strengthens love and relationships. Free love. Love of humanity. Achieving happiness. Relieving bitterness and resentment. Eradicating hate. Encourages marriage, parenthood and making friends. יזל “ירא זע למשפטיך” Meaning: “Stirring in fear of your sentences”. Spiritual paradise. Function: Achieving inner peace and harmony. Living with myself in peace. Achieving (inner) peace and eternal joy. Release and relief, tolerance and understanding the fellow man, spiritual compatibility intimate relationships. מבה “מרב בשת הפנים” Meaning: “And I am shamefaced”. A farewell to arms. Function: Encourages tolerance. Inner balance and resolution of internal conflicts. World peace. Solutions reached in amenity. Protects from war. Expresses strength and power. הרי “האזינה רועה ישראל” Meaning: “Listen, shepherd of Israel”. Inner intuition. Function: Premonition and foresight. Sharpening the internal intuition. Balancing reality. Encourages real and appropriate relationships. Business opportunities. Protects from bad judgment. הקמ “הקשיבה קולי ממעמקים” Meaning: “Listen to my voice from the depths”. Getting over depression. Function: Encourages new beginnings and optimism. Protects from helplessness, horror, desperation, guilt, mental illness. לאו “לך אני והושיעני” Meaning: “I am yours, save me”. Cancels the ego. Function: Self-control. Releases from the need to surpass others. Releases from enslavement to caprice, from hypocrisy and from selfishness. כלי “כי לדברך יחלתי” Meaning: “Because I yearn for your word”. Fertility. Function: Changes menstrual difficulties, spiritual barriers and menopause. Assists in labor, fertility, creativity and implementing a plan. Sexual maturity. לוו “לגדל ולחזק ולהושיע” Meaning: “To grow stronger and to deliver”. Direct connection to the Creator. Function:Expresses the heart’s desire. Building a temple to the self. Direct connection to the Creator, prayers, the heart’s desire, turning to mysticism. Persistence, enlightenment, an answer to prayers, opening the gates of heaven. פהל “פניך האר לעבדך” Meaning: “Illuminate your face for your servant”. Changing habits. Function: Withdrawal from addiction, negative desires and self-pity. Prevents weight loss and connecting to the negative self. Encourages leadership and changes negative habits. Encourages success, self-control and the power to rehabilitate from addictions. נלכ “נפשי לישועתך כלתה” Meaning: “My soul has yearned for your salvation”. Elimination of epidemics. Function: Fighting sudden “illnesses”, pervasive and silent illnesses such as depression, heart disease, AIDS, smoking, pollution, hatred. Fights mental paralysis, helplessness and pollution. ייי “ידעתי יוצרי ידעתי” Meaning: “I knew my creator I knew”. The end of a lethal attraction. Function: Ends a bad relationship, lethal attraction, destructive connections and connections with negative people. Removes malicious people from our lives. Prevents depletion of energy. Prevents spiritual, emotional and physical vulnerability. Fills the soul with sacred energy. מלה “מרחמיך לא התישאתי” Meaning: “I have not despaired of your mercy”. Passing on of wisdom. Function:Passes on wisdom, spirituality, giving, sharing, and personal example. Encourages the revelation of spiritual secrets. Illuminating the darkness. Eternal joy. חהו נתה האא ירת שאה ריי אום לכב ושר יחו להח כוק מנד אני חעם רהע ייז ההה מיכ וול ילה סאל ערי עשל מיה והו דני החש עמם ננא נית מבה פוי נמם ייל הרח מצר ומב יהה ענו מחי דמב מנק איע חבו ראה יבמ היי מום I'm honored and proud to share with you The 72 Names of God Feed your soul's longing. Shine. Heal. Grow spirituality from inside. I invite you to get closer to Judaism. To yourself. Illuminate your soul with a beautiful Sacred Jewish Kabbalah Glow ✡ Nourish your heart with my Sacred Soul Art, Feel it's energizing holy blessed power.♥ Enlighten your being with faith, love, inner peace, joy, and good energies. Nurture your soul's craving for beauty, Jewish spirituality, and Magic!!! Now available as INSTANT DOWNLOAD!!! Start your own Unique Sacred Art Project.✡ Choose "Add to cart" & Print it in your home whenever you want! Secure & Express Checkout with @Zebratoys Via @Etsy B r e a t h e h o l i n e s s. Nurture your longing for the sacred in 5784 with Safed Sacred Holy City of The Promised Land. Every once in a while I get this call to wander in the Holy City of Safed, seeking Divine inspiration from the heart of the Kabbalah. This ancient Holy City, the center of Jewish mysticism for millennia, has always charmed me. Over and over again, I fall deeply in love with it. On Erev Rosh Chodesh Elul, I found myself wandering old, stone-paved alleys, art galleries, and synagogues, breathing the high mountain breeze of ancient spiritual essences feels like immersing myself in powerful Sacred holiness. Soaking in the powerful energetic fields make cosmic soul glow with a holy, blessed beingness of peace and harmony. This total immersion experience nurtures my passion for a holiness aura of loving grace and feeds my longing to unite with the Holy of all Holies. By aligning ourselves with these Divine powers of Source and putting our fate and faith in God, we bless our lives, heal our souls, and help ourselves remain true to our hearts. I invite us to access the mystical sacred world of the Kabbalah that activates our will and empower us to connect with the Divine Source within us and feel blessed by the grace of God. Meet symbolism, Aramaic holy meanings, and concepts of Divine wisdom and elevated that touch a higher dimension of Oneness. Feel the glow. Get closer to holiness. To yourself. Shine. Heal. Grow spirituality from inside. Radiate healing grace energy. The Kabbalah and the Holy city of Safed bless us all with Divine elements of holiness, wholeness, unity, and belonging. It revitalize us with Divine holistic energies of healing of the soul that feed us, elevate our spirits, and fill our hearts with elements of faith, hope, and synergy. Safed ancient Holy City has always made me feel like a tourist in my own country. Every time I explore I notice another sight that leaves me breathless. The experience is always different and the feeling of holiness that comes from the Holy City dwells into our souls for eternity. These relationships create force fields that embody the Sacred magic of healing love that feeds our souls, inspires our spirits, and fills our hearts with elements of higher good, peace, harmony, and Sacredness. The Holy City of Safed, which radiates the Sacred mysticism of the Kabbala touches a higher dimension. In the Holy City of Safed, at the mountains of Northern Galilee, the mystical Kabbalah movement, led by the Kabbalist HaAri revived the glory of Holy Divine qualities that shine with the unifying light of love. the Kabbalists would worship and praise the love of God, the Sacred covenant between Am Yisrael to the Torah, and to the Promised Land. The Book of the Kabbalah forms a vertical alignment between Heavens and Earth. A lot of HALELUYA's Kabbalah Art inspiration comes from Safed, the heart of the Kabbalah center in the universe. ♥ Designing Jewish Soul Art is my greatest love. Nurturing my passion for a holiness glow of a spiritual Sacred Jewish core. I invite you to access the magical sacred world of the Kabbalah Empire. Meet letters of higher wisdom and holy meanings that flourish in the old city of Safed. Touch a higher dimension. Sanctify angelic holiness to enrich your Sacred soul. Cherish and celebrate life with art work encoded with Holy Jewish Symbols, Sacred Geometry Elements, and tools from wonderlands of ancient civilizations that empower healing, attract Oneness, foster wholeness, and beam Cosmic love energy. Immerse your spirits in Sacred essences to greet The New Year! Elevate Love. Shine Brightly. Beam Lightwork. Bring light in. Let's glitter hope. ♡ הַלְלוּיָהּ HALELUYA Glow with Sacred energies into The 5783 New Year! May our hearts be filled with Sacred light, deep faith and pure love. Light your holiness. HALEUYA’s Valued Clients' Exclusive Offers: ► How to Get a FREE Printable? Leave a review of your purchased item on Etsy, and receive a FREE Downloadable Printable to your mailbox. You are entitled to select any single design you like from HALELUYA’s shop at www.etsy.com/shop/zebratoys Review your item and I will contact you and send your free gift.♡ ► 50% OFF on your next purchase Light your faith.♡ Order Today to Get 50% OFF on your next purchase A Special Coupon Code Will Be Sent Upon Purchase Shop now: www.zebratoys.etsy.com *Excludes Membership Plans, Judaica Wall Décor & Personalized Items ► Refer a family member, friends, and/or colleagues to purchase a product and receive a FREE Printable. Please ask the referred client to send me a message with your name to oritgutmacherlevy [!at] gmail.com and I will contact you directly and send your free gift. ► Share your customer's journey experience, and receive a FREE Printable: I invite you to answer a few questions and share your opinion to receive a FREE Printable Design that you select, which I will send to your mailbox. Choose any single downloadable from www.zebratoys.etsy.com Please answer these questions, and send them to my Email at oritgutmacherlevy [!at] gmail.com and include the link to your selected free design. 1. How did you find HALELUYA Sacred Soul Art? 2. How do you feel when you look at the art work? 3. Why did you buy it? 4. Why did you select HALELUYA’s art over others? 5. What was your user experience while coloring? 6. What was your customer experience overall satisfaction? 7. What ideas do you have for additional products? 8. How likely is it that you would recommend or refer family, friends, colleagues, students, and/or others to the art? Looking forward to reading your thoughts, ideas, feelings, and feedback! Thank you so much, Orit.♡ This item is suitable for: ► Judaica Art and Hebrew Classes, Projects, and Enrichment Activities ► Jewish Holiday Activities for Camps and After School Programs Jewish Family and Intergenerational Events ► Do It Yourself Home Wall Art Decoration ► Workshops, Conferences, and Art Zones Activities ► Birthday Arts and Crafts Activities ► Mixed Media, Scrapbooking, and Journaling Crafting Supplies HALELUYA’s satisfied clients include: ► Individuals, families, and groups ► Spiritual programs, activities, and special events ► Interfaith programs, activities, and special events ► Healing programs, activities, and special events ► Metaphysical programs, activities, and special events ► Intergenerational programs, activities, and special events This item was exclusively designed to meet your needs, and is specifically offered to: ► Jewish schools ► Jewish camps ► JCCs ► Hebrew, art and Judaica programs ► Jewish organizations and institutions ► Religious schools and synagogues ► Conferences ► Workshops ► Kids Art Zones ► Classrooms and Learning Centers ► Day care centers ► Programs for youth and students ► Senior and special needs programs ► Bar and Bat Mitzvah programs and activities Blessings from the Galilee ♡ Happy 5784 ♥✡ HALELUYA הַלְלוּיָהּ Blessings Beth Yisrael for the New Year!!! I wish you a happy, beautiful, loving year. May this year be filled with love, grace, freedom and goodness ✡ Amen Gift yourself with a Sacred Glow for the Holiday of Passover ENLIGHTEN YOUR BEING. ♡ Inspire Your Soul With A Divine Sparkle. Nurture your soul's longing for angelic beauty, Jewish spirituality, and holiness! Shine. Heal. Grow spirituality from inside. Illuminate our world with your beautiful inner light. You are welcome to visit HALELUYA: Sacred Soul Art HALELUYA is celebrating 888 items in our Etsy shop Zebratoys. Download, Print, Craft, and Color Sacred art designs to Let The Light Of Faith Enter Your Life. www.zebratoys.etsy.com I invite you to share this item’s link with people who might be interested and enlightened by HALELUYA's Sacred Soul Art ♡ Thank you. This art was designed to radiate hope and faith into your heart, body, and Sacred soul. This item has the power to promote relaxation, inner peace, meditation, stability, and strength. Coloring balances the flow of your body's energy, enhances your joy, supports healing, and the growth of acceptance, inner peace, and hope. Download instantly and let the light of Holy Symbols and Sacred Art enter your world, heal your soul, promote peacefulness, generate good health, and facilitate well-being! By connecting to Sacred Soul Art Designs and tribal Symbols, we connect with higher frequencies of love, peace, healing, unity, and co-operation. Let's strengthen these values and nourish ourselves, our children, and future generations. הַלְלוּיָהּ This printable will flare your creativity, elevate self-love, and invite your artistic side to unwind, explore, and open to a holy space blessed with peace, synergy, and harmony. Send a blessing of love and faith into your heart, out to the world, and beyond to the Universe. HALELUYA's Sacred Soul Art designs are infused with frequencies of the Holy Land, inspired by the mysticism of Kabbalah, enriched with holy symbols, and enhanced by the Divine energies of Biblical prayers and blessings. HALELUYA's art empowers us to connect with the Divine Source by entering a Sacred space through a spiritual cosmic gateway that nurtures Oneness consciousness, promotes tribalhood, beams love and peace among us, and radiates these blessings into our lives, our families, our communities, and throughout the world. At the heart of HALELUYA's art is the love of Judaism, Eretz Yisrael, and the world of sacred geometry. This integration of magic and meaning fosters faith, love, grace, and holiness. HALELUYA invites you to welcome the Holy Days of Passover with a collection of coloring pages that are encoded with Holy Jewish Symbols and Sacred Geometry Elements, tools from wonderlands of ancient civilizations that radiate Oneness, wholeness, spirituality, and healing energy. Sacred art creates a magical feeling of deep healing, which you can use every day in your morning meditation. Learn the positive advantages of art therapy for yourself, your family, your friends, and your communities. How can Sacred Soul Art benefit you? ► Calm yourself down, destress, relax, and meditate. ► Generate good health, well-being, and healing from within. ► Grow your spirituality, soulfulness, and manifesting abilities. ► Increase your self-esteem, confidence, and self-awareness. ► Quiet your emotions and improve your ability to deal with uncomfortable feelings. ► Balance your body, mind, and soul. ► Immerse yourself in feelings of acceptance, wholeness, satisfaction, pleasure, and love. ► Help reduce your feelings of anxiety, suffering, isolation, and pain. ► Support and strengthen your natural artistic and creative abilities that softly fight insecure, confusing feelings and low self-esteem. ► Help stabilize, integrate, re-order, and rebuild your inner world. ► Help grow your loves, passions, and uniqueness. ► Guide you to your hidden wishes and dreams. ► Provide you with an opportunity to learn and practice how to listen to your higher guidance and wisdom. ► Assist you to reach your full potential by strengthening your super powers. ► Support the growth of your self-love, realization, forgiveness, and compassion. ► Encourage you to safely explore your innermost thoughts, emotions, and feelings through a powerful, silent, non-verbal, tender deep healing process. How can you be fully present in the moment and connected to all of creation, while searching deep within your soul? Here is a list of my tips for HOW TO color and release magical healing α-Brain Waves: ► Choose a coloring page design you like or feel drawn to. ► Find a calming, relaxing, quiet, and cozy place. A place where your soul feels safety, peace, tenderness, freedom, and comfort. *Nature always is a lovely setting, and my ideal location to invite my soul to come out and glow and grow. ► Bring your favorite colors, pencils, paints, and brushes. ► Sit down with yourself. Relax. Breathe in. Breathe out. Again. And again. Connect your being to Mother Earth, life and Creation. ► Let your creative spirit come out and play. ► Breathe. Relax. Let go. Love yourself. Have fun. Just be. I know it sounds so simple, but that's all you need to practice daily with devotion and dedication. I recommend to use Sacred Soul Art designs that beam frequencies of balance, healing, love, wholeness, and holiness. HOW TO MAKE A KABBALAH WALL ART DECORATION? Unique and original Jewish Wall Décor doesn't have to be an expensive piece of art. You can add some sparkle and shine with this simple and quick DIY project and still get an amazing look. Make your own beautiful wall art. Start now. It's meditative and elevating!!! Here is a super easy step-by-step guide that will help you make a treasured, one-of-a-kind Jewish Wall Décor. What You'll Need: Printer Paper Coloring Pencils Frame Hammer Nail Instructions: 1. Download the Coloring Page printable. 2. Save it. 3. Choose your favorite printer paper. 4. Print. Please note that this file has transparent background so you can choose any colored paper you like. 5. Color the design with coloring pencils. 6. Find a frame that fits your print ( Printable Page Size 8 ½" x 11" ). Tips for choosing a frame and framing: 1. A clean lines and simple frame works the best. 2. Frame should be bigger than the print. 3. Choose a square frame for mandalas. 4. Center the print perfectly on the mat paper. 5. Use artist's tape to hold your art in place. 6. Clean the glass, clean it really really well. 7. Put it all together! 8. Place the glass back in the frame. 9. Hang it up on your wall using the hammer and a nail. ► Learn more about The Designer, Founder, and Owner of HALELUYA Sacred Soul Art Shalom, I'm an international spiritual entrepreneur, owner of Zebratoys, and founder and designer of HALELUYA: Sacred Soul Art. As a native-born Israeli and half-American artist, I create Sacred Soul Art infused with frequencies of the Holy Land, inspired by the mysticism of Kabbalah, and enhanced by the healing energy of sacred geometry. HALELUYA's art empowers us to connect with the Divine Source by entering a sacred space through a cosmic gateway that nurtures Oneness and tribalhood consciousness within us and radiates this blessing throughout the world. HALELUYA crafts Sacred Symbols with prayers that help people feel more peaceful, balanced, and blessed by radiating frequencies of Shalom--healing, love, wholeness, and holiness into our lives, our families, our communities, and our world. Amen. At the heart of my art is the love of Judaism, Eretz Yisrael, and the world of sacred geometry, which inspires my work and enlightens my being with faith, love, grace, and soulfulness. הַלְלוּיָהּ My deepest hope is that we will open our hearts and share a global goodwill message of goodness, love, and peace with people of all faiths, Nature, Mother Earth, all living Sacred and Divine beings, the Universe, and for all future generations. אָמֵן I invite you to brighten your life with a Divine holy glow of grace and beauty inspired by the world of Judaism, Kabbalah, and Sacred Geometry, art made with much joy, love, and devotion in the Holy Land of Israel. ♡ Let's glow. I want us to feel blessed, and elevate Oneness, faith, and love. ► Innovators, Entrepreneurs, and Businesswomen, Sisterhood Circles, Leaders of Goodness, and Consciousness Shifters: I want to grow with you and nurture awareness, peace, and wholeness. I welcome your ideas for special offers, custom orders, barters, and collaborations. I would love to hear what possibilities for collaborations HALELUYA's Sacred Art inspires in you. I’m open to exploring exciting, inventive, new pathways together. I can be reached at oritgutmacherlevy [!at] gmail.com or send a message. My roots run deep, and I want to give you the best of my cosmic glow, always. I’m following my dream to design unique and inspirational Soul Art that celebrates Shabbat and Jewish holidays and commemorates Jewish life cycle events. The original designs combine Sacred symbols that include the Menorah, Star of David, and the Kabbalah Tree of Life with Biblical prayers and blessings . HALELUYA art links us to our Jewish Am Yisrael roots; strengthens our connection to Jewish values, identity, and heritage; and deepens our love of Jewish culture and religion. Designing and coloring healed my mind, body, and spirit; connected me with my deepest wishes; and brought me home to my soul, my passion, and my purpose. I want to keep on illuminating love inside my heart, practice Oneness and kindness in my life, and abundantly share my gifts of vision, healing, and beauty with the world. Amen. My deepest hope is that you will find profound pleasure in the art work - and help us illuminate the love inside our hearts, practice goodwill and humanism in our lives and abundantly share goodness with the world. HALELUYA. הַלְלוּיָהּ ► Happy to help. ♡ Let's Co-Create and Collaborate. Do you have a question or need an advice on your art activities, personalized items, or the Membership Plan? Let me know what I can do for you. Let’s brainstorm together, share tips, and co-create for your special activities. Write me with questions about your special celebration. If you need help on Judaica Arts and Crafts projects, a year-long arts and crafts curriculum, or a commemorative design to celebrate your family's and/or organization’s milestones, I can be reached at: oritgutmacherlevy [!at] gmail.com I believe in faith and integrity. I stand up for the future of our children of all faiths and foster a strong universal goodwill message of love, goodness, and peace for humankind, nature, Earth, and the Universe for future generations. ♡ Amen. Illuminate with a whole new holiness glow. Download, Print, Craft, and Color Judaica art designs for Shabbat, Passover, Rosh Hashanah, Sukkot, and Hanukkah. Order now Coloring Books, Coloring Pages, Papercrafts Decorations, Wall Art Prints, Greeting Cards, Labels, Tags and Scrapbooking Supplies and Templates. Download templates and designs online: www.zebratoys.etsy.com Thank you for being part of HALELUYA tribalhood.♡ Thank you for your love of the art. Our HALELUYA Sacred Soul Art Clients Reviews: ► Courtney Matson – “In deep appreciation of her values and art!” ► Angela – “Printed beautifully. Easy to download. I love her art!” ► Jackie –“Hi Orit , shabbat shalom! Just a Jewish themed border would be great… Maybe with Jewish stars, pomegranates, menorahs shofars etccc. With a beautiful crown at the top. Should be blank inside. Your work is a beautiful and unique. I love it! Thanks so much!!!” ► Vicki –“I had the most wonderful experience in working with Orit and ordering from Zebra Toys. I purchased Orit’s beautiful coloring mandalas for an event for my seniors. The designs were beautiful and the seniors enjoyed a relaxing and spiritual experience. Orit expressed an interest in hearing all about the event, and I shared pictures with her afterwards. My group feels as if we now have a new friend in Israel”! ► Zachary – “Thanks so much for the wonderful art, the kind note, and your lovely generous offer. We printed the earlier downloads to do a crafts and coloring project with my daughter and for Purim, and the art hung around the house until yesterday!” ► Laura – “Hi, I am a Hebrew and Judaics teacher at a synagogue in Maryland. I came across your magnificent coloring pages when I was searching for something for my young pre-teen students to color while they are listening. I know your mandala and coloring pages are right for my students! Your artwork is magnificent! Would I be able to buy a package of 5 or 10 of your images for the students for a certain price? Do you ever do a special price for schools. Thank you so much! I am so excited!…Orit, I just saw the images– so amazing! I wanted to tell you how excited my students are that you are an artist from ISRAEL! They are very excited about the coloring pages and all the love and good wishes you put into your art” ► Ioana from Vienna, Austria – ” Thank you so much for your art! It’s so beautiful! I spent all the morning coloring, it looks amazing ♥ I felt really humbled and grateful that you want to offer me a gift, you really are very kind. Your words have really touched me, thank you so much for your kindness and appreciation! I’d love to give you a big hug right now!” ► Olga – “Amazing book to contemplate your Jewishness. Best birthday gift , best material to spend time with your kids and grandchildren. Thank you!” ► Mira Burcu – ”Perfect for coloring and hanging. I used A2 and A3 print outs. Amazing work so unique... l highly recommend for children as well as adults. I also use it as a guidance because it has great energy.” ► Nicolas – ”I turned to Orit to assist me in the creation of a so-called Kimpetbrivl, an amulet written by a Sofer to protect a mother and her newborn child from evil. This kind of amulets was very common in 19th century eastern Europe. Orit, Sofer Yehuda and me cooperated in the research of the proper texting, a journey both beautiful and interesting. Thank you Orit, and please pass my thanks also to Yehuda!” ► Mel – Honest Eco Mom: “Hello! Thank you so much for asking me to collaborate with you. You do such beautiful work and I adore all of your pieces. I look forward to coloring these and displaying them in our home and writing a blog review on them. Thank you for thinking of me again!!! Thank you for the FREE printable gift” ► Dr. Christine – “I am a children's therapist at a Jewish Non Profit agency in Dallas. We have several children who do not speak english and just moved from Israel . I am looking for mandalas for them to color – to help them relax at school or to color in their therapy sessions. Can you recommend a coloring book for Jewish mandalas. We would LOVE to order something if you have a mandala coloring book put together for boys. Also we are a non profit so we are seeing these children at no cost, so we are on a budget. Thank you so much!” ► Marsha – America English School Petach Tikva, Israel -“I was thrilled to receive the beautiful Jewish star as a gift from you. I love it. I had the opportunity to look through your wonderful artistic materials. I believe they are highly educational and can bring much joy to many families around the world. I think they may also be great for Jewish communities worldwide.” Read More Customer Reviews on Etsy at: https://www.etsy.com/shop/zebratoys/reviews May we all do good deeds, embodying the loving grace of freely giving. תּוֹרָה וּמַעֲשִׂים טוֹבִים & אַהֲבַת יִשְׂרָאֵל Blessings from Galilee and the Holy Land of Israel to you, your loved ones, and your communities. I want us all to celebrate life, feel blessed, grow and glow, again and again and again. Forever and ever. Always. Amen ♡ אָמֵן Sending Prayers of Love and Grace all over the world. Shine Brightly. Stay Golden. Be Blessed. ♡ Faith, Love & Good Energies, Orit Gutmacher Levy Owner of Zebratoys, Founder and Designer of HALELUYA: Sacred Soul Art Email: oritgutmacherlevy [!at] gmail.com Shop: www.zebratoys.etsy.com Web: www.zebratoys.net Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/stores/Orit-Gutmacher-Levy/author/B0BVKVQD3G Newsletters: https://us12.campaign-archive.com/home/?u=e179e54da46f0bd0001e16331&id=a21d90c181 LinkedIn: https://il.linkedin.com/in/oritgutmacherlevy Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/zebratoys Instagram: http://instagram.com/zebratoys Pinterest: http://pinterest.com/zebratoys Twitter: https://twitter.com/zebratoys Etsy: www.zebratoys.etsy.com YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZZYbZTSoodWo5auFsr1Ghw Google Maps: https://www.google.co.il/maps/contrib/113915151698373364330/photos/@27.3419176,-55.3316786,3z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m3!8m2!3m1!1e2?hl=en SoundCloud: https://soundcloud.com/orit-gutmacher-levy Tumblr: https://www.tumblr.com/zebratoys ♡ הַלְלוּיָהּ Copyright of Zebratoys - ©Zebratoys 2024 HALELUYA Sacred Soul Art, All rights reserved.

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