Embark on an intergalactic journey with the Mould King 21005 Venator Republic Attack Cruiser Building Set. With a grand total of 6,685 pieces, this massive model stands at 45.2 inches long, 20.5 inches wide, and 12.6 inches tall, making it a must-have for collectors and enthusiasts of Star Movie and intricate building sets.Designed to mirror the imposing Venator-Class Republic Attack Cruiser, this model captures the essence of the powerful flagship from the Clone Wars. The iconic red striping, formidable bridge, and massive engines are all recreated with an astonishing level of detail, reflecting the ship’s might and grace as seen in the Star Wars universe.Crafted with high-quality, odorless plastic bricks, this model is not only safe but offers a smooth, satisfying building experience without the worry of rough edges. The result is a tactile and visually stunning rendition of the Republic’s fearsome cruiser.Each building step is meticulously documented in a full-color instruction booklet, ensuring clarity and ease as you assemble this imposing piece of the Star Wars fleet. The bricks are conveniently sorted by the build sequence, allowing for a seamless building process.Dimensions:115cm x 52cm x 32cm45.3in x 20.5in x 12.6in
A total of 6,685 pieces,
Over a meter long
Large-Scale Model
Precious cargo, authentic detail
A challenging and rewarding building experience
Compatible with LEGO parts
Instruction Booklet Included
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