
ThriftBooks Coupon, Discount and Promo Codes (25)

4.05Updated December 2024
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About ThriftBooks


ThriftBooks brings the joy of reading to book lovers on a budget. With an extensive collection of pre-loved books, you can discover timeless classics, bestsellers, and hidden gems without breaking the bank. From fiction to non-fiction, ThriftBooks offers a wide range of genres, ensuring there's something for everyone. Immerse yourself in captivating stories, expand your knowledge, and indulge in the pleasure of reading with ThriftBooks – your affordable gateway to literary treasures.

ThriftBooks FAQ

Does ThriftBooks have in-store or curbside pickup?

No, ThriftBooks is an online retailer and does not offer in-store or curbside pickup.

How do I sign up for rewards with ThriftBooks?

To sign up for rewards with ThriftBooks, go to their website, click on "signup" and follow the instructions to create an account.

What is ThriftBooks's shipping and return policy?

ThriftBooks offers free shipping in the US on orders over $10. They also accept returns within 60 days of purchase for a refund or exchange.

Does ThriftBooks price match?

Yes, ThriftBooks does price match.

Does ThriftBooks do cashback on purchases?

No, ThriftBooks does not offer cashback on purchases.

Curated by

Jordi Smith

Jordi Smith

Deal Finder

Last updated December 2024

Jordi Smith, dedicated to providing the best discounts, brings you this page from the tech-savvy city of Austin, Texas. A software developer by day and a discount guru by night, Jordi checks back regularly to update you with new deals. He’s also a part-time musician who might just recommend his favorite guitar tuner alongside great savings!

More information about ThriftBooks

ThriftBooks Shopping Guide


ThriftBooks is an online retailer specializing in used books, offering a wide variety of genres and categories. Known for their affordability and extensive selection, ThriftBooks has become a go-to destination for book lovers. Whether you're looking for the latest bestseller, a classic novel, or an out-of-print edition, ThriftBooks has something for everyone.

Redeeming a Promo Code

Follow these steps to redeem your promo code on ThriftBooks:

  1. Visit ThriftBooks and browse for the books you wish to purchase.
  2. Add your chosen books to your shopping cart.
  3. When you're ready to check out, click on the shopping cart icon at the top right corner of the page.
  4. On the shopping cart page, click "Proceed to Checkout."
  5. Enter your shipping information and click "Next."
  6. On the payment page, you will see a field labeled "Gift card or promotion code."
  7. Enter your promo code into this field and click "Apply."
  8. Your discount will be applied to your total amount. Complete the checkout process to finalize your order.

Troubleshooting Promo Codes

If your promo code isn't working, consider the following tips:

  • Check Expiry Date: Ensure that the promo code hasn't expired.
  • Minimum Purchase Requirement: Some promo codes require a minimum purchase amount. Verify that your order meets these criteria.
  • Case Sensitivity: Promo codes can be case-sensitive, so enter them exactly as provided.
  • One-time Use: Verify that the promo code hasn't already been used, as some codes are single-use only.
  • Eligible Items: Confirm that the promo code is valid for the items in your cart.

If you've checked all these factors and the promo code still doesn't work, contact ThriftBooks customer support for assistance.

Stacking and Combining Promo Codes

ThriftBooks typically does not allow the stacking or combining of multiple promo codes in a single order. You can only use one promo code per transaction. Therefore, choose the code that offers the best discount for your purchase.

Expert Coupon Hacks

Here are some tips for maximizing your savings at ThriftBooks:

  • Join ThriftBooks Rewards: Sign up for the free ThriftBooks Rewards program to earn points with each purchase, which can be redeemed for discounts on future orders.
  • Free Shipping: Take advantage of ThriftBooks' free shipping on orders over a certain amount (typically $10 in the US). Plan your purchases to meet this minimum.
  • First-Time Buyer Discounts: Look out for first-time buyer discounts or sign-up bonuses that can save you money on your initial purchase.
  • Watch for Sales: ThriftBooks often has sales and promotions. Keep an eye on their homepage or subscribe to their newsletter for notifications.
  • Bulk Buying: Purchasing books in bulk can sometimes qualify you for additional discounts or special promotions.

Holiday Sales

ThriftBooks offers various seasonal and holiday sales throughout the year, such as:

  • Black Friday: Significantly discounted prices on a wide selection of books.
  • Cyber Monday: Additional online deals and promotions.
  • Back to School Sales: Discounts on educational and textbook categories.
  • Winter Holidays: Holiday-themed promotions and discounts.

Subscribe to the ThriftBooks newsletter or follow them on social media to stay updated on upcoming sales and promotions.

Best Way to Find Deals

Finding the best deals at ThriftBooks can be easy with these strategies:

  • Discounted Sections: Check the "Deals" or "Bargain Bin" sections for heavily discounted books.
  • Email Newsletters: Sign up for ThriftBooks' email newsletter to receive notifications about exclusive deals, sales, and promotions.
  • Follow Social Media: Follow ThriftBooks on social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram for flash sales and special offers.
  • Flash Sales: Keep an eye out for limited-time flash sales directly on the website's homepage.

Return Policy

ThriftBooks has a customer-friendly return policy:

  • Return Period: You can return items within 30 days of the purchase date.
  • Condition: Items must be returned in the condition they were received.
  • Refund: Once the returned item is received and inspected, ThriftBooks will issue a refund to your original payment method.
  • Initiate a Return: Contact ThriftBooks customer support to initiate a return and receive return instructions.

Contact Information

If you need to contact ThriftBooks customer support for any reason, use the following methods:

  • Contact Form: Visit the ThriftBooks Contact Page and fill out the contact form.
  • Email: You can also email their support team directly, if available.
  • Phone: Look for customer service phone numbers on their website if you prefer to call.

    To ensure quick assistance, provide detailed information about your query or issue when contacting support.

About ThriftBooks

Founded in 2003, ThriftBooks has grown to become one of the largest online retailers of used books. With a mission to make reading more accessible and affordable, ThriftBooks offers millions of titles across various genres. By reselling books that might otherwise go unread, ThriftBooks supports a more sustainable and environmentally friendly way for people to enjoy literature. Their extensive selection, competitive pricing, and commitment to customer satisfaction make ThriftBooks a beloved choice for book enthusiasts around the globe.

Happy reading and happy shopping at ThriftBooks!