With our AI-based marketing engine, Checkmate can help you find the right customer and convert them at the right time. We’ll dynamically push personalized deals to specific user groups to enhance your conversion rate.
Get in touchEveryone is different - why should their shopping experience be the same?
Checkmate leverages historical and intent shopping data to create a highly curated shopping and rewards experience.
Shopping is fragmented from discovery to post-purchase.
Checkmate provides a seamless end-end experience from personalized discovery, seamless checkout, aggregated tracking to rewarding loyalty.
Getting new things is meant to be an enjoyable experience. Why does online shopping need to be overwhelming?
Surprise and delight prospective customers and loyal customers by providing relavent brand updates and rewards.
Acquire high value users using Checkmate's advanced shopping data and customer base.
Improve customer conversion by loading custom offers to targeted subsets of Checkmate users.
Interact with the users who love your brand most: offer rewards, individual deals, and establish long term customers.
Utilize Checkmate’s advanced analytics to implement dynamic pricing strategies. Attract high-value customers by adjusting offers in real-time based on shopping behavior and market trends, ensuring competitive edge.
Engage directly with your customers through Checkmate. Use our comprehensive user profiles for targeted marketing campaigns, ensuring your messages reach the right audience for maximum impact.
Piece together the all-too-scattered purchasing flow from applying gift cards to providing real time package tracking updates.