How ColourPop drives conversions and sales with Checkmate.

Checkmate partnered with ColourPop, a popular cosmetics brand, to drive new sales & convert shoppers with 5 first-party data campaigns. In 7 days, Checkmate drove thousands in new sales reaching ColourPop's #1 sales channel.




Increase in sales driven.


AOV uplift.


Increase in conversion.

Bringing big results within 7 days of installing Checkmate.

Checkmate works with our partners to treat pain points.


ColourPop was looking to improve conversion of users on site, as well as acquire new users.


Checkmate leveraged 1st-party data from inbox access and browsing behavior to deliver precise and personalized multi-channel campaigns to new and churned shoppers.


ColourPop was able to drive significantly more traffic to their site via Checkmate retargeting surfaces, bringing in new customers and helping covert users who abandoned their cart.

More of our work

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Quay leveraged Checkmate to enhance customer targeting, resulting in a 14% increase in conversion.

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Sulwhasoo partnered with Checkmate to drive $40k in new sales with 35% increase in conversion rate.

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